The new year means a lot to lots of people. This year you might want to start a new hobby or open a new business. You might want to organize that closet. Or you might want to reevaluate your relationship. January has long been considered “divorce month,” according to...
Does infidelity affect what happens during the divorce process?
A couple contemplating a divorce has many questions. After building a life together, it can quickly become overwhelming to consider dividing it and starting over as single individuals. Some issues that come up in a marriage, such as debt or frequent unemployment, may...
Common questions about Arizona divorce
While you may want to get a divorce, it does not mean the process is enjoyable or easy to understand. You are likely feeling a lot of confusion, stress and anxiety. As you prepare to end your marriage, you probably have several questions. The more you understand about...
5 divorce risk factors
It can be difficult to maintain a marriage, even when you and your spouse are highly compatible, but hard work and true love cannot save every relationship. There are some surprising risk factors that make it more likely for couples to call it quits. These...
How alimony works in Arizona
Alimony, also commonly called spousal support or maintenance, probably numbers among the divorce issues with the greatest number of misconceptions attached to it. You may have heard a variety of myths from your friends and family. Getting reliable information,...