Experts say that divorce may be on the rise for people who are 50 and older because women are no longer as dependent on men financially, people's expectations for marriage have changed and people are living longer. However, older adults in Arizona who divorce might...
Month: September 2018
Why a prenup may be the best solution for some couples
Some people in Arizona may be uncomfortable with the idea of a prenuptial agreement. They might worry that having one will make them more likely to divorce, that family members may object or that they might have to admit to embarrassing secrets such as debt or...
“Gray divorce” continues its upward spiral
Although the number of total U.S. marriages that end in divorce is consistently around 50 percent, there has been a slight decrease in that trend overall in recent years. When one looks at the marriages of people over age 50, however, the statistics tell a different...
Do you need a reason to file for divorce in Arizona?
You may be preparing to file for divorce, and well-meaning people are asking you what reason you will tell the court. Is your spouse cheating on you or being abusive? What if you are simply unhappy in your marriage, without any clear implications of fault?...
How wedding dates are connected to divorce rates
When couples in Arizona decide to marry, the last thing that may occupy their mind is how their wedding date could be related to their future happiness. Couples select wedding dates for a wide range of reasons. Sometimes, they select a particular date that is...
Control your emotions and take charge of your divorce
At best, divorce is difficult. It can be complex, but it need not be so rancorous that you feel bruised and beaten as a result.If you can control your emotions and look at your divorce in more businesslike terms, you will be able to take charge and work toward a more...