Infidelity breaches the trust between spouses. It can leave one person feeling vulnerable and exposed. As most people can guess, infidelity is one of the more common reasons that marriages fail. What people may not realize is that there are actually many different...
Arizona Family Law Blog
Can one spouse force the other to remain married?
Married couples often disagree about many important relationship issues. Often, they can find ways to compromise with one another and make their relationship work despite their differences. However, sometimes one spouse reaches the uncomfortable realization that...
How much impact can an affair have on an Arizona divorce?
Couples in Arizona divorce for many different reasons. Growing apart over the years, spousal abuse and financial challenges are among the top causes of modern divorce. Infidelity also remains one of the most common reasons people decide to file for divorce. Arizona...
5 times when parents might consider changing custody
Parents may face situations where adjusting child custody arrangements becomes necessary. Changes in life circumstances often prompt these considerations. Each family’s situation is unique, and understanding common reasons for modifying custody can help parents...
Focusing on parenting time versus legal authority
Navigating a contested custody case in the Arizona family courts isn't easy. Any legal issue related to children inevitably sparks intense emotional reactions. Parents love their children and want to spend as much time with them as possible. The prospect of giving up...
3 times to challenge debt-related liability when divorcing
Married couples typically have to find an agreeable way to share their financial obligations and their assets with each other. For some couples, handling high-value property because a sticking point during divorce proceedings. For others, it could be responsibility...
5 things that may surprise you about divorce
Love and marriage captivate imaginations from the time people are young. Unsurprisingly, divorce is also a fascinating topic as families navigate separating intertwined lives. If you are confronting the possibility of divorce, the more you know about it can empower...
5 budgeting tips for divorce and its aftermath
Divorce inspires a host of challenges that some people don’t think too much about before they’re forced to confront them. One of these is the financial strain that can occur in the wake of a split. As soon as you realize you’re going to divorce, you’ll need to take a...
How to divide retirement accounts in a divorce without penalties
Divorce proceedings inspire an assortment of financial challenges. Spouses typically need to negotiate terms for the division of both their marital assets and their shared debts. That process can be a complicated and lengthy one, especially in marriages where spouses...
3 things your spouse may be hiding in your divorce
When you are navigating a divorce, you understand that most things about your life are going to change. You may have to move, live in a new home, support yourself on your income alone and more, and you likely have concerns about how this process could impact your...