“On the other side of divorce is some freedom.”
So notes one financial adviser, whose sentiment is broadly echoed by legions of other family law commentators, both in Arizona and nationally.
It is sometimes helpful for divorcing parties to see the post-divorce upsides that can reasonably attach to and define their future lives.
After all, you take a bit of a personal smackdown going through the divorce process, right? Like a lot of people, you might reasonably have spent considerable time wondering whether you (either singly or on behalf of your kids, as well) were making the right decision to call it quits with a partner. It is understandable – and altogether common – to have doubts here and there, as well as some stress regarding post-divorce life.
It’s OK to take a deep breath here. Rest assured that when the decision to divorce is based on due thought and reflection (and it usually is, marital dissolution hardly being a trivial thing), life following divorce is often comparatively sane and meaningful.
A divorce columnist underscores that in an article addressing some of the multiple upsides that accrue for many divorcing parties, especially in the financial realm.
That sphere often spells ground zero in many divorces. Money squabbles often top “divorce catalyst” lists, with it frequently being the case that one spouse simply couldn’t act like an adult during marriage concerning financial matters.
If you bore the brunt of that incompetence (reckless disregard, malfeasance, sloppiness – call it what you will), brace for this: Your life following divorce is likely to be far better now that you’re solely in charge.
“Typically, it’s [post-divorce financial life] going to be positive for one person, not the other,” states one financial counselor. If you’re the smart and responsible ex, kudos to you.
There are multiple avenues to explore to improve financial life following divorce. An experienced and empathetic family law attorney can help a client sort out the details.